10+ Years Experience

Specialist School Playground Equipment

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School Playground Equipment Nationwide

Transforming Outdoor Play at St. Mary’s Primary School

Challenge: St. Mary’s Primary School wanted to revamp their outdated playground to create a more inclusive and stimulating outdoor play environment for their students.

Solution: School Playground Equipment collaborated with St. Mary’s Primary School to design and install a custom playground solution tailored to their needs. The new playground features a variety of inclusive play equipment, including wheelchair-accessible swings, sensory play panels, and interactive games.

Results: The new playground has transformed outdoor play at St. Mary’s Primary School, providing students of all abilities with opportunities for physical activity, social interaction, and imaginative play. Teachers have observed increased engagement and participation during recess, and parents have praised the school for prioritising inclusivity and accessibility in their outdoor space.

Enhancing Learning through Outdoor Play at Oak Tree Academy

Challenge: Oak Tree Academy wanted to integrate outdoor play into their curriculum to promote active learning and improve student well-being.

Solution: School Playground Equipment worked with Oak Tree Academy to design an outdoor learning environment that complements their curriculum and encourages hands-on exploration. The new outdoor space includes themed play zones, outdoor classrooms, and nature-inspired play elements.

Results: The outdoor learning environment has become a valuable extension of the classroom at Oak Tree Academy, providing students with opportunities to explore, experiment, and learn in a natural setting. Teachers have reported enhanced student engagement, creativity, and problem-solving skills, while parents have appreciated the school’s commitment to holistic education.

Maximising Space with Multi-Functional Playgrounds at Riverside Primary School

Challenge: Riverside Primary School faced limited space and budget constraints when planning their playground renovation project.

Solution: School Playground Equipment designed a multi-functional playground solution for Riverside Primary School, incorporating modular play equipment, interactive games, and versatile seating areas that maximise space and accommodate diverse play activities.

Results: The new playground at Riverside Primary School has become a hub of activity and creativity, despite space limitations. Students enjoy exploring the various play zones, from active play structures to quiet reading corners, while teachers appreciate the flexibility and adaptability of the space for different age groups and activities. The project has been praised for its innovative design and efficient use of resources.

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